Jan 31, 2023Liked by High Shelter

I have been hoping you would cover John. He was an amazing songwriter and singer as you are. Thank you.

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Hello in there. Love John prine. Very nice. I, myself, am having a milestone bday next month. How did this happen lolz I'm still 12 in my head.....

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I'm with you, Shoes... This was a beautiful "birthday gift" of a post for me to read, as JR posted this in my birthday, which is one of those milestones too...

And to think I've known y'all about 20 years...

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Hello in there, Jason.

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Well put. I hope you chose to spend your time playing live music.

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It's so weird As I Just Had A Milestone Birthday This Past December WOW Maybe I Am In The Right Place At The Right Time. AS I Left That Message Before Seeing This Posted As I Just Joined. You See When I Was Born December 02, 1985 Was The Exactly The Nine Months From My Parents Wedding On March 02, 1985 Which Unknowingly I Would Be Married On 30 Years Later! But My Dad Was 19.Years Old When I Was Born He Died At 36 Years Old A Like 2 Weeks Before His 37th Birthday! My Milestone Was To Reach It Past 36 For The Last 19 Years Since I Turn 17 Right After My Dad DIEING I Thought I Have To Make It Past 36. THAT WAS THIS PAST YEAR. I JUST TURN 37 And Feel Free To Live My Life Without Worry As I DIED A Couple Of Times Through Out That Journey!

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Hey Brother I Wanted You To Know I Left The Band A Message Here On Facebook Not That I Anyone To Rush To It For But In That Message Is A Promise That Was Broken Because My Dad Wasn't Alive Long Enough To Make It Happen As He Promised To Take Me To A1A Here In Lexington, Kentucky To Watch You Guys When I Was Old Enough As I Was 17 At The Time He Died Later That Year At 36 A Month Before His Birthday. I Later Joined The Marine Corps To Save Myself After The DOWNWARD SPIRAL I Was On LED TO Me DIEING And Luckily Being Brought Back Through CPR After Being Without A Heart Beat For 5-6 MINUTES! Hopefully if in some way your all able to read that message would mean the world to this one person who you owe nothing to but would so appreciated by me. Thank you guys for your music that helped so many of us not just me through so many Traumatic Stress Filled Nights.

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