Jun 3, 2022Liked by High Shelter

Summer of '97 I was anticpating going off to my freshman year of college, and as a parting gift my brother handed me a cassette of RC. I fell in love with music because of that $5.98 gift. It got me through the best and worst times in college. JR... that cassette tape is beat up and wore out now, but that music you all created never wears out. When I boast about the band to my peers, my response is always the same. "Go listen to the album Rockcrown"

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Jun 3, 2022Liked by High Shelter

I would LOVE a 25th anniversary re-issue of RC! Still one of my favorite and most formative albums after all these years.

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Oct 12, 2022Liked by High Shelter

I always thought this existed since it’s listed in the liner notes but could never find it. I think there were others too. “A Little Hard, A Little Late” comes to mind too. I think there’s mention of someone who knows the secret of the B-Sides in there too, always wondered what that meant.

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Jun 3, 2022Liked by High Shelter


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Enjoying the walk down memory lane and listening to some songs I've not heard before. Warmly, Ro

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Jun 18, 2022Liked by High Shelter

Would love you guys to still sell your music in CD format….still have all my old CDs.

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Jun 4, 2022Liked by High Shelter

Rock Crown released 3 months before the first time I got to see the band at a concert. Houdini's Angels has always been my personal favorite from this one, but Lucky is one I never tired of hearing live. Ross and Tommy playing it acoustic was great...but then somewhere along the lines the addition of the extra verse we all became accustomed to singing along with as well seemed to fit as though it was always there.

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Jun 3, 2022Liked by High Shelter

End of 1997 I had to do my compulsory military service and met one of my best friends there, he played water‘s edge to me and I fell in love with 7M3. First I bought the American Standard CD for myself, but the second album was RC, when around half of my service was over and I was allowed to stay outside of the base overnight (aka sleep at home :)), traveling back and forth with little to no sleep, brought me to a weird and fragile emotional state, RC carried me through this time and I dearly love the songs, but Lucky being my everyday wake up song and main theme. Everything turned out for the better after these few months, happy and in love I moved on to Orange Ave...

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Jun 3, 2022Liked by High Shelter

Absolutely love this and looking forward to many more RockCrown gems!!

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Since I only just found this substack I get to experience so much new music and stories.

A story I have for RockCrown, 26 years later, is that this is the first album I listened to after boot camp. The day of graduation my family and I went to the base exchange and it was sitting there in the new releases. I grabbed it and listened to it on the loooong bus ride to my next training in San Antonio. Still probably my favorite album that came out that year.

I still have the signed copy that was available from the store way back when, because who can have too many copies?

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Stay up late?! I never sleep.

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